Many classes from Quebec RNS are completing their KBIP 2015-2016 collaborations

This present school year (2015-2016), many classes from Quebec Networked Schools (École en réseau in French) still collaborated with other classes internationally through KBIP. There have been collaborative work, notably between classes of the Côte-du-Sud School Board and classes from Catalonia, in Spain. In addition, several classes from RNS have joined the French section of KBIP, named RiF_CO. Classes from the au Coeur-des-Vallées (CSCV), de Montréal (CSDM), des Rives-du-Saguenay (CSRS) and des Sommets (CSS) School Boards in Quebec have collaborated with classes from Belgium, Colombia, or from other Canadian provinces (British Columbia and Manitoba).