First KBIP meeting (Part II) also well attended!
Part II of the first KBIP meeting for the 2011-2012 year was also a success. Unlike Part I, most of the participants were from high school.
In attendance for the first half were:
- Sébastien Roy's class from Tête-à-la Baleine (Quebec) and
- Julie Turcotte's class from Ste. Rose-du-Nord (Quebec)
Participants for the second half included:
- Daniel Lebreux's class from Gaspé (Quebec)
- Michel Lamarche's class from Montréal (Quebec) and
- Gilles Robert, a teacher from Alberta
Observers included a teacher from Mexico and research assistants from Laval University.
Congratulations to all of the participants and good luck with the your collaborative investigations!